


"...Grass-based farmers and those seeking healthy food from nontoxic farms are facing a new political threat, foisted on an unsuspecting populace worldwide in the form of United Nations Agenda 21, a forty-chapter blueprint for population control and world control that emerged from the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janero. “Sustainable development” is the catchword for Agenda 21, the threat of which is succinctly summarized in the You Tube video “Agenda 21 for Dummies .”

Implementation of Agenda 21 is the mandate of a globally operating UN Non-Government Organization (NGO) called the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI), now usually referred to as Local Governments for Sustainability. More than six hundred American cities and counties are paying taxpayer money to belong to this NGO group, which is aligned directly with the UN Charter while diametrically opposed to the U.S. Constitution and to private property rights..."


Some things that are not sustainable

Private Property
Large hoofed animals
Harvesting of timber
Farm lands
Ski runs
Scuba Diving
Grazing of livestock
Golf Courses
Judeo-Christan-Islamic religions


The good news is that there is a growing bipartisan American movement to stop this criminal agenda. Starting with Carroll County, Maryland, at least one hundred thirty-eight counties and communities have booted ICLEI. Alabama has voted as a state to remove itself from ICLEI.

And people are becoming more aware!
There are two excellent books on the subject:

• Behind the Green Mask―UN Agenda 21, by Rosa Koire
• The Perils of Sustainable Development by Rene Holaday


Hugo Chavez, World Leaders and Cancer Deaths

"...With cancer deaths figuring at 23% of the mortality rate in the United States (cancer is the leading cause of death in developed countries and the second leading cause of death in developing countries), one might think that the Big C might be striking down leaders of countries with the same regularity as it afflicts everyone else. The rather unusual and nearly universal tendency for the power elite to sidestep cancer death has raised questions as to whether or not the powers-that-be might be bogarding the cure."

The utter meaninglessness of the word “terrorism”

REPORTER: I send my deepest condolence to the victims and families in Boston. But President Obama said that what happened in Boston was an act of terrorism. I would like to ask, Do you consider the U.S. bombing on civilians in Afghanistan earlier this month that left 11 children and a woman killed a form of terrorism? Why or why not?
JAY CARNEY: Well, I would have to know more about the incident and then obviously the Department of Defense would have answers to your questions on this matter. We have more than 60,000 U.S. troops involved in a war in Afghanistan, a war that began when the United States was attacked, in an attack that was organized on the soil of Afghanistan by al Qaeda, by Osama bin laden and others and more than 3,000 people were killed in that attack. And it has been the President’s objective once he took office to make clear what our goals are in Afghanistan and that is to disrupt, dismantle and ultimately defeat al Qaeda. And with that as our objective to provide enough assistance to Afghan National Security Forces and the Afghan government to allow them to take over security for themselves. And that process is underway and the United States has withdrawn a substantial number of troops and we are in the process of drowning down further as we hand over security lead to Afghan forces. And it is certainly the case that I refer you to the defense department for details that we take great care in the prosecution of this war and we are very mindful of what our objectives are.


Caught but not about to be arrested...

Total media blackout now under way on most likely suspects in Boston marathon bombing 

Chris Kyle Shot: The Devil is Dead in Texas

Chris Kyle’s company is called Craft International and what they do is train police and civilians to do basically what Kyle did in Iraq. They have courses (the next one was scheduled for Mar 1st at the same place he was killed) for various types of shooting, be it long distance or with a handgun and an AR-15 type assault weapon. They also offer a course to corporate executives to make them more aware of their surroundings in the event that the indigenous people of a nation they are visiting decide to whack all the Goldman Sachs executives.
Craft International’s logo is a skull with a sniper cross-hair over one eye. The cross hair in elongated on the bottom making it a cross. It looks remarkable like the symbol of the Knights of Malta, the red cross symbol.


Pennsylvania Court Deals Blow to Secrecy-Obsessed Fracking Industry

A Pennsylvania judge in the heart of the Keystone State’s fracking belt has issued a forceful and precedent-setting decision holding that there is no corporate right to privacy under that state’s constitution, giving citizens and journalists a powerful tool to understand the health and environmental impacts of natural gas drilling in their communities.

Boston Marathon Bombing: Who Do They Plan To Blame?

“You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.” - Rahm Emanuel, former White House Chief Of Staff to Barack Obama
The Boston bombing already has the makings of a subversive and highly exploitable false flag event, and certain undertones remind me of the now exposed Operation Gladio, a false flag program utilized by NATO governments (including the U.S.) for decades which involved multiple bombings and mass shootings of high traffic public areas across Europe that were then falsely blamed on “left-wing terrorists”.  The operation was exposed in the early 1990’s by the Italian government, and then quickly swept into the dust bin of history.
"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
-Ben Franklin


Roseanne Barr: “MK ULTRA Mind Control Rules in Hollywood”

KING: Let me read something to you, that you wrote in “Esquire.” And I want…
KING: …your reaction it. This is your writing.
KING: In a notebook entry about yourself, you keep notebooks about yourself?
ROSEANNE: Of course I do, thousands, thousands.
KING: Thousands of notebooks.
KING: Well, this one says, “So this my life, my true E-Hollywood story. It’s the story of multi, multiple multi-faceted girl, woman, boy poet, dancer, comedian, singer, freedom fighter, warrior, message bearer, performer, mother, sex partner, wife, actor, producer, director pioneer, autistic child, survivor of post dramatic stress, borderline bipolar, overweight, Turrets sufferer, multiple personality disorder, obsessive compulsive victim of psychiatric, planting of false memories, heretic witch, crone, take your pick. There’s been about 300 diagnoses which proves shrinks have been my only friends.”
ROSEANNE: That is true that shrinks have been my dearest friends.
KING: You never get mad to say God has done me a dirty deal here when my multiple personalities take over?
ROSEANNE: No, because I feel like God — honestly I feel God gives you multiple personality disorder when there’s too much stress in your life to handle it any other way. I think it is a gift to children.
KING: So another thing can take over?


Homeschooling: The Future of Liberty

The Grand Irrationality is Upon us...

Astrology in April 2013 – Entering the Grand Irrationality!

by Robert Wilkinson
This morning we’ve entered the next phase of extraordinarily heavy decisions that will bring our destiny forward in huge ways! The Grand Irrationality is front and center for the next 4 weeks!

Right now, though none are yet in the zones of the Grand Irrationality, Venus is exactly conjunct Mars and both are exactly septile Jupiter with the Sun forming over the next few days. This begins the major shifts in our lives, and on the other side of this next week we are sure to see different futures than we thought.

Syngenta and Bayer's Answer to Bee Decline: Just Plant More Flowers

Putting the pesticides industry in charge of protecting bees, is like putting a fox in charge of a henhouse. - Alice Jay, campaign director, Avaaz.org
The heat is on Syngenta and Bayer CropScience, makers of neonicotinoid insecticides, which are heavily indicated in sharp bee decline as each new study proves. The EU is still discussing a ban and the EPA is being sued for allowing the manufacturers conditional registration of their class of chemicals which include clothianidin and imidacloprid - also acutely deadly to bees. Both governmental authorities appear to have catered to corporate influence at the expense of the bee population and the future of crops.

FAA Issues No-Fly Zone Over Exxon Pipeline Spill

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) moved quickly to block the media from seeing the full extent of the damage caused by the Exxon oil pipeline spill in Arkansas.

After some local news stations managed to get some breaking news images from a flyover of the area, the FAA issued a "Notice to Airmen" or NOTAM to stop all air traffic from the area.

Smells like Oil and burnt tires... don't worry, this will neeeeeever happen with the Keystone XL!! :)

Geoengineering, Runaway Climate Change, And The Poisoning Of Life On Earth

Geoengineering, Runaway Climate Change, And The Poisoning Of Life On Earth

More major publications are trying to “condition” the population to the idea of “geoengineering” as a cure for the increasingly extreme climate. It is ever more shocking that publications like Foreign Affairs can still pretend they don’t know SRM (stratospheric aerosol geoengineering) has been a lethal reality for decades. They say “SRM could cool the planet in a few months”, really? A mountain of data to date says otherwise.

The ongoing atmospheric spraying (and jet stream manipulation with HAARP facilities ) can and does cool large regions of the planet for limited periods, but at what cost? The ongoing global geoengineering programs are making climate change far worse and quite literally are tearing the planet's life support systems apart.


Bee Lifecycle

Bee Lifecycle

The following information was provided to Marin Bees by Elsa Latini, a Marin beekeeper:
Days in the lives of worker bees — From the first day, summer these bees perform tasks for the colony, and each worker bee will do each of the “jobs” as it progresses from its emergence on day 1 until it dies approximately 6 weeks later. The following 2 charts show the tasks performed by bees as they mature from workers within the hive to field bees, who spend their days outside the hive.
Hive workers:
Hive Bee TasksDays in Life
Cleaning cells and keeping brood warm1-2
Feeding older larvae3-5
Feeding younger larvae6-11
Producing wax, Building comb & transporting food within the hive12-17
Guarding hive entrance18-21
Field Bees:
Field Bee TasksDays in Life
Visiting flowers, collecting pollen, nectar and water22-34
End of Life35-45
If that doesn't put YOUR life in perspective I don't know what will...