
RNC & "The War Party"

"The idea that this convention is part of the “democratic” process is a joke: it is no more free and open than an old-style Soviet party convention. What’s going on in Tampa is the culmination of a process that has nothing to do with democracy, and everything to do with legitimizing the control of party bosses, corporate interests, and, most important of all, the War Party over the nominating process and the two-party duopoly"

"The extraordinary hostility of the GOP hierarchy to Ron Paul and his supporters hardly comes as a shock: Paul is, after all, the single most trenchant critic of our interventionist foreign policy since William Jennings Bryan, and he is the War Party’s deadly enemy. To the servitors of the military-industrial complex, the foreign lobbyists, and would-be Napoleons of the neocon persuasion who hold the reins of power in the GOP, he is the Devil Incarnate."

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