Can teleprompters count votes?
RNC Chairman Reince Preibus and House Speaker John Boehner on Tuesday railroaded the party’s grass roots in order to shut down any debate over rule changes or the decision to unseat 10 Ron Paul delegates elected in Maine.
Ron Paul at the RNC: Forget Hurricane Isaac, Hurricane Paul is the Real Storm That is Brewing
"...Maybe this will open more and more people's eyes to the phoniness of the
two-party system and make them refuse to choose the lesser of two
evils. A pox on both of their houses!"
Prop 37!
Monsanto shells out $4.2 million to sabotage California GMO labeling initiative
Nearly 50 other countries, including China, Russia, and all the
countries in the European Union (EU), currently label GMOs. The U.S. and
Canada are among the only developed nations in the world that do not
require honest food labeling. The passage of Prop. 37 on November 6;
however, could change this.

RNC & "The War Party"
"The idea
that this convention is part of the “democratic” process
is a joke: it is no more free and open than an old-style Soviet
party convention. What’s going on in Tampa is the culmination
of a process that has nothing to do with democracy, and everything to
do with legitimizing the control of party bosses, corporate
interests, and, most important of all, the War Party over the
nominating process and the two-party duopoly"
extraordinary hostility of the GOP hierarchy to Ron Paul and his
supporters hardly comes as a shock: Paul is, after all, the single
most trenchant critic of our interventionist foreign policy since
William Jennings Bryan, and he is the War Party’s deadly
enemy. To the servitors of the military-industrial complex, the
foreign lobbyists, and would-be Napoleons of the neocon persuasion
who hold the reins of power in the GOP, he is the Devil Incarnate."
RNC Confirms Ron Paul Will Be Up For Presidential Nomination In Tampa
"Don’t look now but tens of millions of Americans who don’t follow the
real news online are going to be in for one hell of surprise when the
find out the media has been lying to them about Romney having sealed the
GOP nomination for President for 2012."
RNC Confirms Ron Paul Will Be Up For Presidential Nomination In Tampa
It’s a Bird, it’s a Plane, it’s a RNC Drone
NDAA Update: Chris Hedges Speaks About His Day in Court
First take a look at how pathetic and tyrannical the government lawyers are:
Assistant U.S. Attorney Benjamin Torrance argued in court that the government already has the authority to strip citizens of their constitutional rights. He cited the execution of Nazi saboteur Richard Quirin during World War II, saying the case was “completely within the Constitution.” He then drew a connection between that case and the AUMF, which the Obama White House argues permits the government to detain and assassinate U.S. citizens they deem to be terrorists. Torrance told the court that judicial interpretation of the AUMF made it identical to the NDAA, which led the judge to ask him why it was necessary for the government to defend the NDAA if that was indeed the case. Torrance, who fumbled for answers before the judge’s questioning, added that the United States does not differentiate under which law it holds military detainees. Judge Forrest, looking incredulous, said that if this was actually true the government could be found in contempt of court for violating orders prohibiting any detention under the NDAA.
Here is how Hedges passionately and eloquently ends his Op Ed:
Contrast this crucial debate in a federal court with the empty campaign rhetoric and chatter that saturate the airwaves. The cant of our political theater, the ridiculous obsessions over vice presidential picks or celebrity gossip that dominate the news industry, effectively masks the march toward corporate totalitarianism. The corporate state has convinced the masses, in essence, to clamor for their own enslavement. There is, in reality, no daylight between Mitt Romney and Obama about the inner workings of the corporate state. They each support this section within the NDAA and the widespread extinguishing of civil liberties. They each will continue to funnel hundreds of billions of wasted dollars to defense contractors, intelligence agencies and the military. They each intend to let Wall Street loot the U.S. Treasury with impunity…The charade of junk politics is there not to offer a choice but to divert the crowd while our corporate masters move relentlessly forward, unimpeded by either party, to turn all dissent into a crime.
Thank you Mr. Hedges; and how is this Op Ed not in every newspaper in America today?
The 10 Airs in the Subtle Body, and their related functions are as follows:
1) Prana: It
rises from the Manipura Chakra (Solar Plexus Chakra), and traversing
the Ida (left meridian), and the Pingala (right meridian), and then
reaches the cranium, and from there it egresses through the right and
left nostrils. Thus in a day 21,600 aspirations take place. Of these -
7,200 are wasted away, leaving 14,400 breaths to be contained within.
The question has been raised "What is the difference between Prana
and Kundalini" ? One of the great Hindu Saints which Yona has had the
pleasure of knowing named Anandi Ma replied as follows: It is similar
to the sun and its rays. First you feel the sun's rays on your skin,
and then you turn to see the sun. Similarly, the Kundalini sets forth
the Prana to clear the path along the Meridians, and then once this is
accomplished, the Kundalini comes (this is from Yona's recollection, and
not a direct quote from Anandi Ma).
2) Apana: Hovering around the anus, it helps in evacuation, and the bowels.
3) Udana: Causes hiccups, coughing, etc.
4) Vyana: Diffuses the essences of food taking over 72,000 nadis (meridians).
5) Samana: It brings about equilibrium in the flow of the airs.
6) Naga: Causes sneering, stammering, etc.
7) Kurma: Causes movement of the eye balls.
8) Devadatta: Causes movement of the eyelids, laughter, etc.
9) Girihara: Causes yawning.
10) Dananjaya: Makes the body swell after death, before it escapes through the cranium.
Occult Symbolism in The 2012 London Olympics Opening Ceremony
Occult Symbolism in The 2012 London Olympics Opening Ceremony
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