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"The spires on top of the Guardian that connect the heavens and earth actually take on the shape of an octagonal eight-pointed star. This symbol carries various meanings associated with each culture that utilizes it. The are eight paths in the way of Buddha and eight immortals in Chinese tradition. However, the universal symbolism of the eight-pointed star is one of balance, harmony, and cosmic order. Its pattern is associated early astronomy, religion, and mysticism. It is symbolic of both stars and humanity’s earliest attempts to understand and communicate the order and unity inherent in Creation, nature’s rule. The roots of the eight-point star symbol are in early astronomy. The eight lines are symbolic of the four corners of space (north, south, east, and west) and time (two solstices and two equinoxes)."
"Abraham, the shared prophet of the monotheistic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) lived in the Sumerian city of Ur. Excavations from Ur reveal early use of the eight-point star, often in the form of an eight-petal rosette used in jewelry or metalwork decoration. The Sumerians used an arrangement of lines as a symbol for both star and God. The linear eight-point star also represented the goddess Inanna, Sumerian queen of the heavens, and Ishtar (Astarte), the Babylonian goddess known as “The Lightbringer""
"The cosmos itself is what mattered to our ancestors. Their lives, their beliefs, their destinies – all were part of this bigger pageant. Just as the environment of their temples was made sacred by metaphors of cosmic order, entire cities and great ritual centers were also astronomically aligned and organized. Each sacred capital stated the theme of cosmic order in terms of it's builders' own perceptions of the universe. Principles which the society considered its own – which ordered its life and gave it its character – were borrowed from the sky and built into the plans of the cities."
Sacred Symbolism in Ancient and Modern Urban Spaces
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