
Agent Orange in your salad

(NaturalNews) Residents of a small West Virginia town near a Monsanto chemical production plant have filed a class action lawsuit against the agri-giant for pollution caused by the decades-long production of 2,4,5-T, a chemical compound that represents about half of the infamous Agent Orange herbicide. At the very same time, the Dow Chemical Company is seeking government deregulation of a new genetically-modified (GM) variety of corn resistant to 2,4-D, the other half of Agent Orange.
Agent Orange is the same herbicide chemical weapon that the US government sprayed over agricultural land in Vietnam during the Vietnam War, and that has been banned since the 1970s. Nearly a half million people were killed, and another half million children born with birth defects, as a result of the mass murder sprayings conducted by the US government and military.
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Also, if you have yet to see the documentary "The World According to Monsanto", check it out!!

WATCH The World According to Monsanto

The first time I saw it it really opened my eyes to the global implications of the company's agenda.

Did you know the effects of Monsanto GM cotton have created a "suicide belt" in India?

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