union of the several states
the states united united states in Congress assembled these united States of America The united states of America The United States of America The United States (intent or defined to be the original or organic) | the UNITED STATES the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (all capital letters--a fiction--a corporation) the United States of America the United States (intent or defined to be the corporate US), |
Started with:
Declaration of Independence in 1776, Articles of Confederation in 1778, and the Constitution in 1787 Initially, the land was British colonized and then separated into independent Free states; which on July 4, 1776 became sovereign states united. |
Started with:
Gettysburg Address in 1864, and the Incorporation of District of Columbia by (Presidential) Legislative Act of February 21, 1871, under the Emergency War Powers Act and the Reconstruction Acts. Then reorganized June 11, 1878 --16 Stat. 419 Chapter 62 |
a "Republic" having its beginning with the colonial resistance against England's tyrannical government. Major opposition against British control began with The Stamp Act, established by British parliament on March 22, 1765--Taxation without representation, followed by the Declaratory Act, the Boston Massacre of 1770, and the Tea Act passed by Parliament on May 10, 1773 to save the East Indian Company from bankruptcy. Resistance continued with the Quartering Act established by Parliament on June 2, 1774, requiring American colonists to provide shelter to British troops and horses when requested. From September 5 to October 25, 1774 Twelve colonies, all but Georgia, sent 56 delegates to Philadelphia to participate in the First Continental Congress. The purpose of the First Continental Congress was to debate and plan a unified response to British policy and actions. On March 25, 1775, Patrick Henry delivered his "give me liberty or give me death" speech to the Virginia Assembly in Richmond. Various conflicts took place and blood continued to be shed. On May 10, 1775, The Second Continental Congress convened in Philadelphia. Delegates from all thirteen colonies were present. After signing the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, and winning the revolutionary war which ended with the Paris Peace Treaty signed September 3, 1783, all American colonists became free, Sovereign people, endowed with the same rights that the King of England had. Also, via the Treaty of Paris in September of 1783, King George parted with the Northwest Territory which was unsettled and not yet colonized. The Northwest Ordinance was set in place in July of 1787 to govern the territory until such a time the territory became states united with the initial thirteen. "... at the Revolution, the sovereignty devolved on the people, and they are truly the sovereigns of the country, but they are sovereigns without subjects, and have none to govern but themselves; the citizens of America are equal as fellow citizens, and as joint tenants in the sovereignty ... Sovereignty is the right to govern; a nation or State sovereign is the person or persons in whom that resides. In Europe, the sovereignty is generally ascribed to the Prince; here, it rests with the people; there, the sovereign actually administers the government; here, never in a single instance; our Governors are the agents of the people, and, at most, stand in the same relation to their sovereign in which regents in Europe stand to their sovereigns. Their Princes have personal powers, dignities, and preeminences; our rulers have none but official; nor do they partake in the sovereignty otherwise, or in any other capacity, than as private citizens." --Supreme Court of the United States 2 US 419 (February 1794) Chisholm v. Georgia Chief Justice: Jay, John Argued: February 5, 1793 Decided: February 18, 1793 Four Organic Written Laws of the 50 states united are: Declaration of Independence, July 4,1776, Articles of Confederation, Nov. 15,1777, The Constitution, Sept. 17, 1787 Northwest Ordinance, July 13, 1787 These Organic Laws are also found in the United States Code, Volume 1 Also, Wikipedia; search for "Organic Laws" |
a " Corporation"
with a legislature was established, with all the apparatus of a distinct government created (Incorporated) by (Presidential) Legislative Act, February 21, 1871 Forty-first Congress, Session III, Chapter 62, page 419 On June 20, 1874, the President with advice of Senate abolished and replaced the 1871 government with a commission consisting of three persons. 18 Stat. at L. 116, chap. 337 A subsequent act approved June 11, 1878 (20 Stat. at L. 102, chap. 180) was enacted stating that the District of Columbia should 'remain and continue a municipal corporation,' as provided in 2 of the Revised Statutes relating to said District (brought forward from the act of 1871) DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA v. CAMDEN IRON WORKS, 181 U.S. 453 (1901) http://supreme.justia.com/us/181/453/case.html METROPOLITAN R CO v. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, 132 U.S. 231 (1889) http://supreme.justia.com/us/132/1/case.html Corporate Officers " ... But by the Act of June 11, 1878 (20 Stat. chap. 180), a permanent form of government for the District was established. It provided ...and that the commissioners therein provided for should be deemed and taken as officers of such corporation." The District of Columbia v. Henry E. Woodbury, 136 U.S. 472 (1890) http://www.supremelaw.org/decs/dccases/woodbury.htm "United States" is the "District of Columbia" incorporated. "The United States government is a foreign corporation with respect to a State" Volume 20: Corpus Juris Sec. § 1785, Also: NY re: Merriam 36 N.E. 505 1441 S. 0.1973, 14 L. Ed. 287 In UNITED STATES CODE, Title 28, in Section 3002 Definitions, it states the following: (15) "United States" means— (A) a Federal corporation; To incorporate means to become a part of something bigger Some people believe it is incorporated with England or the crown and the paperwork is filed in Puerto Rico. This so-called government is an imposter posing and or masquerading as the original government. Some call it the "insurgent governmental system" " As Charles Evans Hughes, Governor of New york and twice appointed Justice of the Supreme Court said. "The Constitution is whatever the Supreme Court says it is." This is as frank an assessment of the true situation as you will ever get from a government official. George Bush said practically the same thing when he declared "The Constitution is just a piece of paper." ...the Northwest Ordinance shows why the Federal government has no legal jurisdiction over any territory but that which is owned by the United States of America. ...The fact is, the Constitution, for all practical purposes, annuls the Declaration of Independence." --Lawrence Berg |
having a de jure form of government
Of right; legitimate; lawful; by right and just title; "by law" --Black's Law Dictionary sixth edition |
a de facto government
In fact, in deed, actually; a state of affairs; but is illegal or illegitimate; "by equity" and not "by law"; is not constitutional. Thus an officer, king. or government de facto is in actual possession, but by usurpation, or without lawful title. --Black's Law Dictionary sixth edition |
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